Reunion Series - Welcome Plaque!

This welcome plaque was one of the first things that our classmates saw when they entered the reception area. We worked on this one back in June and it was all ready for the BIG NIGHT in December!

  1. The wood was first painted in yellow to match the scrap book paper.
  2. The 12X12 scrapbook paper was turned over, the wood was then turned over on the paper and then traced.
  3. The shape was cut out of the paper.
  4. The paper was then glued unto the wood with the edges pulled back against the width of the wood. This made it more presentable.
  5. And from then on, imagination was all it took. Embellishments were used to add the message and decor on this piece.
Please refer to this previous post for more detailed instructions on working with scrapbook paper and wood.

Thank you for visiting today. I look forward to your comments!

Updated Pic from the Event - December 2014

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