About Rita

Welcome to my site!

I am Clarita 'aka Rita' Emmanuel, an island girl who hails from Laborie, St. Lucia; a wonderful place to grow up. One of my fondest childhood memories was that awesome birthday when I had a princess cake for my birthday. My fascination with cakes was born! I couldn't understand how a cake could be so beautiful and 'artsy'.

Although cakes and other creations in the kitchen continued to fascinate me over the years, I really didn't take those very seriously as my focus was on pursuing my education and building a career. Since then I've graduated with a Bachelors Degree and worked in Corporate America for a few years. In 2012, my husband Derwin and I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area. The move allowed me the opportunity to learn more about cake decorating/styling and this is now my new passion. The kitchen is my new favorite place!

As I go through this creative journey, I would like to take you along with me. My hope is that I can also learn from you to make this journey more fulfilling. We will learn about cake decorating techniques and other tasty edibles that we can 'cook' up in the kitchen. I am also open to learning more about different facets of art.

Oh yeah, I'm ready to meet my 'creative' side. Come join me and let's learn from each other!

Facebook:  facebook.com/ritaskreations
Instagram: instagram.com/ritaskreations
Pinterest: pinterest.com/ritaskreations/

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